Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra at Pabst Theater, Milwaukee
Well...It's me, Alien.
Sneaking into a high society.
Alien got a ticket for a Milwaukee Symphony Corchestra concert from Alien's acquaintance. The program was Beethoven's Fifth.
Classic music... audiences must be high class.
Alien dressed up not to stand out in them.
The performance was at Pabst Theater located in Milwaukee downtown.
This theater was built in 1895.
Classic design.
Mr. Pabst made a huge success of beer brewing.
There was a bar in the theater.
Alien could fall a sleep if Alien got drunk. No beer today.
Alien found many classic posters. It was fun to look around.
Alien wonder if those posters were created in the period when photos were not common.
Let's take a seat then.
Alien had a seat on the third floor.
A big chandelier welcomed Alien when Alien entered the hall.
The ceiling was gorgeous too.
Feeling rich.
The performers were probably doing a final check.
The show would begin in a few minutes.
That was Alien's first classic concert.
Well...Alien don't have photos during the performance, since photo-taking was prohibited.
Two contemporary songs were played in the first section.
The songs had many intended disharmonies.
Well, it was difficult to understand greatness of those contemporary songs for Alien. Alien am just a beginner.
After having an intermission, Beethoven, here he comes!
Fate! That's what Alien wanted to listen.
Very poweful layers of strings' sounds.
This song lasted 30-40 minutes, including the famous part.
The video is not Milwaukee Sympony Orchestra's performance. Alien just want to share a taste of what Alien experienced.
There are reasons for things that last long time.
Alien knew almost nothing about classic music, but Alien could enjoy comfortable memody lines, layers of cords, and climax with the brass instruments.
By having listened to contemporary ones at first, Alien could tell greatness in the classic song.
Alien found Mr. Pabst after Alien enjoyed the concert.
Hi! You and Alien each wears a nice bow tie.
A sign of living in high society.
Pabst Theater's website: