
Alien, the traveler on the earth

KFC and Christmas

Well...It' me, Alien. 





Merry Christmas!





It's Chrismas Eve today.

In Japan, it is very popular to eat KFC's chicken on Christmas Eve.

Alien decided to do a Japanese-style Christmas this year.  






So, Alien came to KFC.  


Although it has been several years since Alien started to live in the US for research, it is Alien's first visit to KFC in the US. 



The KFC was located in an unsafe area.

Alien need to buy chickens with special care for Alien's safety. That's America.  





The store was almost empty.

Well, few Americans come to KFC on Chrismas Eve.  


Alien was asked if Alien want "white" or "dark" meat when Alien ordered original fried chickens. 

Alien had no idea, so asked. The server told Alien that white meats are breast and dark meats are thighs and drumsticks. 




Mr. Colonel Sanders was not there, so Alien said hi to the illustration.  


 You're wellcome! 






Well, let's go home and have dinner. 






KFC chickens, salad, and home-made Buche de Noel. 

Merry Chistmas with a glass of wine. 







Let's eat chickens.  


Tasted extactly same as KFC chickens in Japan. Very Japanese-style Christmas.

Alien like this deep fried batter.  




Let's eat cake then!


Alien made a blackberries cake since blackberris were on sale. 

Alien put white whipped cream in it. Chocholate cream on the external side.

It was from scrach. Alien put less sugar. Yum yum.  






Well, although Alien did knit the Santa costume and had fun, Alien want to be a one to get a present, not the one to give, since Alien am ten years old.   







 So, let's go to bed with a sock. 


...Alien can't sleep. Alien am too excited. 



Dear Santa, Alien will be a good kid, so please give Alien ramen. 




